Kensington’s 4 Year Anniversary Toast
Thursday, February 20th 2pm-3:30pm. Click HERE to RSVP!

COVID-19 Vaccine at Reston: What You Need to Know

After months of strict testing, the COVID-19 vaccine is being distributed around the world. As part of the CDC’s recommendations, several high-priority groups are getting access first. Among those groups are seniors 65 and older.

Seniors are more likely to develop a serious illness from COVID-19, mostly due to underlying conditions that weaken the immune system. The COVID-19 vaccine at The Kensington Reston will ensure our community stays safe and healthy from the virus.

You may have questions about the vaccine and how our community will work to keep everyone protected. Read on for information about our COVID-19 prevention and vaccine protocols. Getting our community vaccinated is a top priority at The Kensington.

COVID-19 Symptoms for Older Adults

While COVID-19 symptoms vary and new symptoms have been added over time, the CDC has a list of common signs that indicate you may have been infected. There also is a list of emergency symptoms you should know. These symptoms require immediate medical care.

COVID-19 symptoms develop two to 14 days after a person is exposed to the virus. Some combination of these symptoms have been seen in many patients:

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea

These urgent symptoms require immediate medical attention:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
  • New confusion
  • Inability to wake or stay awake
  • Bluish lips or face

It’s important for seniors with underlying conditions to continue all prescribed medications and maintain at least a 30-day supply. COVID-19 symptoms can show up differently for those with underlying conditions, and may not be the same signs others experience with the virus.

Residents at The Kensington will be monitored frequently with temperature and oxygen level checks. It’s necessary for older adults to be aware of their baseline temperature, because it’s typical for seniors to have a lower overall body temperature than younger adults. This means a fever may show up as a lower temperature.

Can You Get Infected with COVID-19 After the Vaccination?

The COVID-19 vaccines, produced by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna, are messenger RNA vaccines (mRNA). Unlike traditional vaccines, which inject an inactive or weakened germ in your body, mRNA vaccines enter the cells near the injection site and instruct them to start making the same protein found in the COVID-19 virus. Then, your body will work to make the antibodies required to fight off the virus.

The COVID-19 vaccines do not infect you with the virus, and they cannot make you sick. You must receive two doses of the vaccine, spaced weeks apart. Once you’ve received both doses and your body has been given adequate time to build immunity, you will be protected from becoming sick with COVID-19.

If you experience side effects, this does not mean you are sick with COVID-19. Some people have been experiencing mild to moderate side effects, including fever, body aches, and fatigue. This shows your body’s immune system is hard at work, and the symptoms should subside in a few days.

It’s important that all COVID-19 protocols remain firmly in place while the community waits for everyone to get both doses and build immunity.

Current COVID-19 Prevention Protocols at The Kensington Reston

Our residents at The Kensington are family, and we are doing everything we can to keep them safe and healthy. Our COVID-19 protocols were crafted based on the latest requirements from the CDC and our local Department of Health.

Our planned safety measures include:

  • Monitoring team members for symptoms, and requiring anyone with symptoms to immediately return home
  • Practicing social distancing
  • Wearing personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Regular hand washing and sanitizing
  • Monitoring resident temperatures and oxygen levels throughout the day
  • Providing assistance for hand washing and sanitizing
  • Maintaining full staff
  • Following all state regulations and guidance on all protocols, including visitations

We will continue to implement these safety measures to ensure safety during this pandemic.. We are passionate about taking assisted living to the highest levels of care, with a comfortable, safe environment and loving team members.

Anticipated COVID-19 Vaccination Protocol for The Kensington Reston

We will soon be distributing the COVID-19 vaccine at The Kensington, with the first clinic date Feb. 14. The next dates are March 7 and March 28, which will serve as second-dose opportunities and first-dose opportunities for new residents or those who did not receive it on the first date. Contact our team to walk you through your options and answer any questions you may have about a loved one becoming a part of The Kensington family.

Phase 3 testing of the COVID-19 vaccines included 74,000 people, following strict guidelines from the FDA and independent panels of scientific and medical experts. This testing revealed the vaccines are safe, and appear to be more than 90% effective. In comparison, the flu vaccine is about 50+% effective.

We are excited to be able to provide this safety measure to our team and residents. If you have any questions about our vaccine protocols or COVID-19 prevention measures, please contact us. We can’t wait to meet you.