Taking Care Documentary Screening & Discussion:
A Heartfelt Documentary by Seth Rogen & Lauren Miller Rogen
Thursday, January 23rd 5:30pm-7:30pm. Click HERE to RSVP!

Prepare Yourself and the Ones You Love for the Holidays

The holiday season is right around the corner – Have you taken the time to prepare yourself for the holidays? Tune in to watch Dr. Vivek Sinha, Family & Mental Health M.D., Vanessa Bishop, Aging Life Care professional and Susan I. Wranik, Speech Language Pathologist offer some eye-opening advice to help prepare you and the ones you love for the holiday season.

Vivek Sinha, M.D. reminds our caregiving audience to check their own pulse first, take time to self-manage and not get caught up in the holiday rush.

Susan I. Wranik shares three phrases for consideration; I love you, Thank you and I’m sorry. It doesn’t matter what you say, it’s what the other person understands that counts.

Vanessa Bishop encourages caregivers to understand you need to consider the whole picture when caregiving and seeking help and advice can lay a foundation for creating a successful support team and relief for you. Self-care is not a luxury: it’s a necessity

By putting extra time and consideration into planning holiday activities, you can ensure greater success in providing your loved one with a happy and memorable holiday experience this season.