Kensington’s 4 Year Anniversary Toast
Thursday, February 20th 2pm-3:30pm. Click HERE to RSVP!

See Our Progress

The Kensington Reston construction continues, as our community is taking shape in becoming the home we have seen in initial renderings. If you pass the site at night, you can see the “blue room” known as The Kensington through the windows. Our partner, Forrester Construction continues to work diligently towards completion. They have been blessed by an exceptionally warm and dry Virginia fall season.

The beautiful patio and terrace overlooking Reston National Golf Course’s
11th hole is finished. The grading of the site, placement of the sidewalks, and landscaping installation are nearly complete.

Our Models are now open! Construction on our models has finished and we are very excited to show them off. Join us at our Information Center, 1850 Centennial Park Drive, Ste: 130, Reston, on Wednesday, November 4th or Wednesday, November 11th, between 3pm – 6pm for a virtual tour. Additionally, we will be hosting virtual tours on Saturdays! Join us on Saturday, November 7th or Saturday, November 14th from 11am – 2pm. The Kensington Team will virtually tour guests from the Information Center through three fully furnished and decorated model suites. Contact The Kensington Reston at 571-494-8100 or click here to make your reservation.

We are taking all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of our visitors with respect to COVID 19 including temperature checks, frequent sanitization of the space, mask wearing, and socially distanced meetings.

Stop by to learn more about the opening of The Kensington Reston and meet our team as we journey through our final stages of development.